I recently conducted a KVC Workshop for intelligence producers at SCIP08’s international convention in San Diego. During the workshop I surveyed them about their biggest obstacles and problems in corporate intelligence. We’ve been collecting and analyzing this kind of data now for several years—I call it the Intelligence Points of Pain (IPoP) database. NEWS FLASH: Intelligence problems and challenges are remarkably […]
It was a weekday afternoon in the fall of 2007. Though sitting at my desk, I was speaking “virtually” with about a hundred other people around the world who share my interest in corporate intelligence. Specifically, I was midway through giving a live webinar (hosted by Aurora) on the Knowledge Value Chain®. A chat message […]
Here’s an excerpt from my chapter in the new book Starting a CI Function (SCIP 2008.) In each organization, the specific mission for intelligence, and the intelligence plan that supports that mission, will vary. However, a set of “information deficiencies” that is strikingly similar across many organizations, across all industries, remains. These include: There is […]
It’s here—the shiny (really!) new version 3.2 Knowledge Value Chain Workbook. Our thanks to the TKA team and partners who made this happen. Workbook designer John (“The Great”) Fantini and printer Craig (“On-Time”) Pace of Spectragraphic Inc. did yeoman service in getting this edition ready. Mike (“Pool Boy”) Powell made extensive editorial comments, as did […]
Financial Intelligence Requires a Deeper Look New York, NY – Arising Group, Inc. recently completed intensive exercises in financial analysis with Tim Powell of The Knowledge Agency® (TKA). George Karshner, Executive Vice President at Arising Group, said that understanding the financial fitness of a company is essential to proper due diligence. “Companies targeted for […]
We recently had to deal directly with a Very Large Phone Company, on whom most of the businesses in my Manhattan neighborhood ultimately rely for both their telephone and Internet connections. In the process of getting a new phone system installed after our recent office move, my staff and I witnessed some of the most […]
I had an experience recently that reminded me how fragile the Knowledge Value Chain really is. A client had asked for information on the quality of intelligence, a topic that I’ve addressed in many talks over the years. I looked through dozens of PowerPoint slide shows from these talks, and was printing the slides that […]
January 11, 2008, NEW YORK—The Knowledge Agency announced today that the new clinic Financial Intelligence: A Value-Based ApproachTM is completed, and has now successfully completed field-testing at a major corporation. “I’ve tried to put into a bottle those must-know things about using financial analysis to discover your rivals’ strategies,” says clinic developer and leader Tim Powell. “These are skills I’ve […]
Competitiveness and Innovation
The Wall Street Journal recently (December 10, 2007) ran an op-ed article by two former members of the House Intelligence Committee (Peter Hoekstra, R-MI and Jane Harman, D-CA) under the title “The Limits of Intelligence”. The article was written in reaction to the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate that claimed that Iran has suspended its nuclear […]
Competitiveness and Innovation
To illustrate the principles of value creation, consider these two hypothetical vignettes from everyday life. Vignette 1 – A Visit to the Doctor You pay a non-routine visit to your doctor. The doctor’s first question is, “What kind of pills would you like today?” Your reaction? You’re shocked at the incompetence, and look for another doctor. […]
Sharp readers of the KVC Workbook (Version 3.1) have spotted several typos: Page 3, right column, 1st paragraph – change “necessary” to “necessarily” Page 5, 1st line – change “rather” to “father” Page 5, right column, 2nd paragraph – after “more”, insert “than” Page 6, right column, 3rd paragraph, 6th line – change “the” to “to” […]
The Knowledge Agency has moved! After a successful five-year run on Fifth Avenue, we’ve moved west to the Hudson River waterfront. Effective November 1, 2007, TKA’s address is: The Knowledge Agency® 548 West 28th Street New York, NY 10001, USA That’s in the Hudson Yards area the New York Times recently profiled as one of the fastest-developing […]