Most of us work in virtual meetings often, some of us almost exclusively. People call in using Google Hangouts, Skype, GoToMeeting, WebEx, JoinMe, Free Conference, and so on. (I’m speaking here of “virtual meetings for the rest of us,” not the high-end meeting rooms costing hundreds of thousands.) The hybrid meeting I’ve been part of […]
A few weeks ago I attended a reunion at my alma mater, Yale University. As they always do, Yale offered up some of its most articulate faculty and administrators to describe the current state of affairs at the University. The array of talent, initiative, and innovation on display was dazzling. By the end of the […]
Knowledge is power. All of us know this slogan. Those of us in the knowledge professions use it when needed as a banner of professional pride and aspiration. It sounds reassuring, and probably had major validity when Francis Bacon coined it nearly 400 years ago during the Enlightenment. The problem is — it simply is not […]
In my last post “Our radar has failed”, I offered the view that the current financial crisis is actually more than that—it’s a crisis in the ways we use information to make business decisions. We’ve obviously come to another “Where do we go from here?” moment. So, where DO we go from here? I’ve identified […]