Knowledge Strategy

Positioning Knowledge for Value

16 Feb 2017  

The early-winter holiday break is an opportunity to recharge our batteries and refocus our strategies. Amidst visiting with family and friends, I took time to reflect on the recent past and what the future holds. Among other things, I realized that over time my clients have been paying more attention to the top half of the Knowledge […]

Knowledge Strategy

Busy Season

1 Feb 2017  

I hope each of you is enjoying this new year — whenever it is that you celebrate its beginning. For me, 2017 is already full of new beginnings and revelations.  To recap: Launch of KVC Clinic v.2.0 In the fall of 2016, we launched an expanded version of our KVC Clinic. This includes three days […]

Knowledge Strategy

Value Gets Lost

23 Oct 2016  

“I’m stuck at the bottom of the pyramid.” “My value is unclear to people who matter.” “I’m invisible.” In conducting “Points of Pain” exercises during TKA’s workshops and on-site clinics, too often we hear things like this from competent and hard-working knowledge producers. In study after study, roughly half of the challenges expressed by PRODUCERS of […]

Knowledge Strategy

The Value of Knowledge Makes Headline News

18 Jul 2016  

Information has its greatest value when it is most available to, and accessible by, people for immediate use in understanding their world. I not only believe this, I put this insight to work in my consulting and teaching. To implement this, I often use stories from the headlines to illustrate my key points. There are […]

Knowledge Strategy

The Knowledge Payout

7 May 2016  

Knowledge Management would be better off as a discipline if it leaned into the management side more, and relied a little less exclusively on the knowledge side. It’s possible to read articles or even whole books on KM and find little discussion specifying the knowledge that people use, specifically how they use it in producing […]

Knowledge Strategy

The Research Matrix

27 Mar 2016  

The other day I received an email from “Susan”, an alumna of the Columbia IKNS program whom I had the good fortune to work with as one of my students there. Susan’s question to me was on research, which that program touches upon but doesn’t cover in great depth, and in which I have lots […]

Knowledge Strategy

Status Spring 2015

29 Jun 2015  

This spring has been uncommonly busy, and I regret that has caused me to slip a couple of self-imposed deadlines here.  Here’s what we’ve been up to. Blended Value I continued to work with TKA Director and branding expert Jay Gronlund on our Blended Value initiative — which seeks to redefine strategic enterprise goals beyond […]

Knowledge Strategy

Knowledge to Value (K2V)

11 Apr 2015  

I was recently asked to keynote a conference on Turning Knowledge Into Value, funded by the European Union. That’s something I care deeply about, and I am greatly honored to have been asked. I have been head-down on that, and will share with you at least a top-line on what I’ve come up with. I […]

Knowledge Strategy

Whatever Happened to Knowledge Management?

14 Feb 2015  

That was the title of a talk I gave recently to a group of graduate students at the Palmer School of Library and Information Science.  It may have seemed that I was just trying to be provocative — but in fact, I was genuinely interested in finding the answer. I think I now finally have. […]

Knowledge Strategy

Ebola Reveals the “Unwieldy” State of our Medical Records

29 Oct 2014  

In late September 2014 a man showing symptoms of the Ebola virus came into the United States from West Africa, was examined by doctors at a hospital in Dallas — and was then released back into the community.  There he came into contact with other people before finally being readmitted to the hospital, where he […]

Knowledge Strategy

Knowledge Leadership

19 Sep 2014  

I recently had the pleasure of meeting the class of incoming students at Columbia’s Information and Knowledge Strategy program and conducting an introductory learning session with them in tandem with Kate Pugh, the program’s academic director. Take it from the top This master’s degree program is designed in an ingenious way.  Unlike many programs in […]

Knowledge Strategy

Knowledge Strategy Simplified

25 Aug 2014  

I’ve been preparing to help Guy St. Clair teach his course Management and Leadership in the Knowledge Domain. This is part of Columbia University’s exciting new master’s degree program in Information and Knowledge Strategy, which I am pleased and honored to be part of. This for me is a perfect opportunity to link my ideas […]